Friday, July 18, 2008

So big So Fast

So we have tried really hard to keep up with pictures for everyone's birthday and pictures of the three of them as life goes on. They change so much and get big so fast.

opps - its been a while

It's been a while since my last posting....sorry. However we have been busy. Peyton finished Kindergarten, Paige had dance and Piper Lynn keeps getting bigger and bigger (and sassier and sassier.

Here is Peyton year end kindergarten project - his very first volcano~ It erupted and all.............note to all you parents without school aged kids. These projects are an adult competition no just slapping it together at the last minute, these projects are serious business. Peyton had a few friends bring theirs in early and he knew how tall, what colors, etc.

It was fun and Peyton loved the "dad" time he had b/c only the boys could build the volcano.

Now my baby has turned 6! I can barely believe its possible seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with him. We had his family party on the 4th of July so that most people could attend.... so we used that theme in his birthday pictures as well